1. EOC. When i came back for the first time and experienced EOC, i disliked it. It felt as if something was missing. Fortunately after a long while i became accustomed to the feeling of EOC. Although im happy they invented Revolution.
2. The God and Mahjarrat Quest series. If there is something i like about a game, it's a good lore. I enjoyed these Quests immensely and still have a good time remembering them!
3. Dungeoneering. I was very skeptical when it came out, but in the end i enjoyed doing it! It also helps dungeoneering had/has very useful rewards. Unfortunately my skills aren't that high, l0l.
4. The different kinds of turmoil (or however they are called). It was the first 'big thing' i achieved on Runescape, 95 prayer. Unfortunately back then you only had Turmoil. Now however you have a turmoil for mage ranged and melee!
5. Prifddinas. Great city, great opportunities.
6. Runescape 3. The layout...the laaaaaayyyoooooouuuut. It took me awhile to get used to this, eventually...
7. Treasure hunter...yeah. I know it's a weird thing to say but i actually quite like it. I've gottten loads of bxp and quite alot of money from TH so far.
8. Drygores. Cause opness
Those are in no particular order...and i can't think of any more to be honest
. And things like Godwars or Ovl's already were in the game when i started.