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Top 10 Updates that were important for you.
« on: March 27, 2015, 09:41:32 »
What is your top 10 updates since you started playing runescape. This top 10 is about updates that were important for you. For example warbands was a big update but since I dont do it it doesn't have value to me.


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Re: Top 10 Updates that were important for you.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2015, 09:55:16 »
My Personal Top 10:

10. While Guthix Sleeps Grandmaster Quest:
To this day I find this to be the best quest in Runescape and not only that but with the addition of Tormented Demons and Dragons Claws when they were released I earned around 100m at these monsters. It's a shame they aren't as good money today then they used to be.

09. Queen Black Dragon:
A boss that I earned my pernix set with and got my royal crossbow from and holds the title to most money per hour (without rare drops).

08. Overloads
So Op.

07. Ancient Curses
Turmoil and Soul Split enough said.

06. Summoning
The addition of this skill had a huge impact on PvM with the BoB's (Pack Yak) and healing familiars (unicorn). This made PvM alot easier and more profitable than before,

05. Prifddinas
Crystal Equipments, Best slayer Master of all time a faster way to train mining (even tho I got 99 before prifddinas was released) and a max guild. Such epicness Much wow.

04. Corporeal Beast
My favourite boss I ever done (I never done nex,arraxi, vorago and Kalphite king) But also the nostalgic feeling this boss has it's amazing.

03. Dungeoneering
Best minigame of all time, (I see it as minigame not as a skill). With the addition of chaotics runescape would never be the same again. And finaly something that uses all your skills.

02. Runescape 3
Yea I hated it at first, and I still think it could be much better but i'm used to it by now so it's k.

01. Evolution of Combat
As a PvM'r this is ofc the biggest update for me since it changed the entire combat system, I really disliked it at first and together with runescape 3 it could be so much better but it's still an upgrade from legacy where you simply clicked on some... oh wait revolution mode, well atleast you still need to activate tresholds and ultimate abilities.


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Top 10 Updates that were important for you.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2015, 11:49:05 »
10 - Divination - As much as I hate to train this skill, I love the items that were added. Porters make it super easy to go fishing at LRC or mining or even woodcutting!

09 - Cosmetic Overrides/Keepsake keys - Allows me to express myself through a wide variet of costumes and colours.

08 - Blood Runs Deep & A tail of two cats - By far one of my favorite quests that I actually enjoyed playing through. They were great quests to do due to the humour and lore in them. As well as being great quests to complete, they give decent rewards too.
(click to show/hide)

07 - Achievement Diaries - Fun to do, and gives semi-great rewards!

06 - Summoning - Changes PvM slightly, such as using a bob to go bossing.

05 - Clans - The ability to meet and get to know new people. Over the years I've met a lot of great people who've become great friends  \:D/

04 - Ancient Curses - SS and turm, makes bossing a lot easier & enjoyable.

03 - Prifddinas - Do I really have to explain this one?  XD

02 - Dungeoneering - One of my favorite skills, found it really enjoyable to do and not to mention all of the new content that it added! (Chaotics, resource dungeons)

01 - EoC - The change to combat was well needed and long over-due, made combat ten times more fun!


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Re: Top 10 Updates that were important for you.
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2015, 18:48:51 »
I cant think of many updates to be honest.

I get confused with eoc and legacy.

I dislike any update that causes the game to become easier, the main thing being war bands and dungeoneering, I am not sure whatever it is but these change people attitudes 


Offline Chloronium

Re: Top 10 Updates that were important for you.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2015, 11:45:00 »
1. EOC. When i came back for the first time and experienced EOC, i disliked it. It felt as if something was missing. Fortunately after a long while i became accustomed to the feeling of EOC. Although im happy they invented Revolution.

2. The God and Mahjarrat Quest series. If there is something i like about a game, it's a good lore. I enjoyed these Quests immensely and still have a good time remembering them!

3. Dungeoneering. I was very skeptical when it came out, but in the end i enjoyed doing it! It also helps dungeoneering had/has very useful rewards. Unfortunately my skills aren't that high, l0l.

4. The different kinds of turmoil (or however they are called). It was the first 'big thing' i achieved on Runescape, 95 prayer. Unfortunately back then you only had Turmoil. Now however you have a turmoil for mage ranged and melee!

5. Prifddinas. Great city, great opportunities.

6. Runescape 3. The layout...the laaaaaayyyoooooouuuut. It took me awhile to get used to this, eventually...

7. Treasure hunter...yeah. I know it's a weird thing to say but i actually quite like it. I've gottten loads of bxp and quite alot of money from TH so far.

8. Drygores. Cause opness

Those are in no particular order...and i can't think of any more to be honest :/. And things like Godwars or Ovl's already were in the game when i started.


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