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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2014, 13:59:02 »
Ya all need jesus full combat.
hallelujah, preach brotha


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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2014, 14:46:38 »
what was the original point of getting hp and prayer up anyway ? If people want hp and prayer then cb level should  not matter. I don't support reset it was there choice in the first place to get it up or not . Jagex was never holding a gun to their face. Just start a whole new breed of skillers  this is like f2p players crying about their p2p stats being level 5 cause they trained it .

i would only support resets for players like 222champ how have glitched in dungeoneering or any other thing  related to in game content
New content while remaining a pure skiller. I don't think that most skillers believed it was in the realm of possibility that the combat formula could be changed in this manner. Even though I firmly argued for this scenario the entire time, I had lost faith towards the end.

Personally, I support resets for any skill, with certain restrictions.

Sub, without trying to come across as being rude, I'm yet to see a comment on a thread like this that doesn't involve you complaining about the people who did it, or give reasons why it doesn't affect you personally and how you're not bothered about it. Example being the HP levels in F2P you have gotten. If you're not going to reset yourself why not be in support of it at least for the sake of other skillers who are going to be disappointed in having to gain combat at no fault of their own? I mean if something didn't affect me but others would gain from it I would love to help out.. I don't get it.

Also with the argument of only resetting HP/Prayer.. Why should I not be able to get my little Range and Attack exp reset? I never trained those two skills in the event something like this mite happen and because I was a little clever and thought ahead I have to be penilised and refused a reset?

I can understand the argument that it's Jagex's fault they're getting combat with their inability to make a solid decision and totally understand that.

I mean as Red said, 'with certain restrictions', they should reset other skills. I mean if Mr Combat want's all his combat stats reset so he can be a skiller he can jog on.. But If I want under 200 combat exp reset in total to avoid accidental level what difference does that make?

Now that wasn't a rant or anything, I'm not sat here steaming mad lol. Just my opinions on it.

For the fact you could level combat and say "oops, reset pl0x" get reset. Ruins the whole purpose imo

No lol that's why I said within reason.. Like for me saying I need 60 Ranged exp reset to avoid leveling is different to someone going 'oops, leveled Str, reset please'

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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2014, 14:51:09 »
what was the original point of getting hp and prayer up anyway ? If people want hp and prayer then cb level should  not matter. I don't support reset it was there choice in the first place to get it up or not . Jagex was never holding a gun to their face. Just start a whole new breed of skillers  this is like f2p players crying about their p2p stats being level 5 cause they trained it .

i would only support resets for players like 222champ how have glitched in dungeoneering or any other thing  related to in game content
New content while remaining a pure skiller. I don't think that most skillers believed it was in the realm of possibility that the combat formula could be changed in this manner. Even though I firmly argued for this scenario the entire time, I had lost faith towards the end.

Personally, I support resets for any skill, with certain restrictions.

Sub, without trying to come across as being rude, I'm yet to see a comment on a thread like this that doesn't involve you complaining about the people who did it, or give reasons why it doesn't affect you personally and how you're not bothered about it. Example being the HP levels in F2P you have gotten. If you're not going to reset yourself why not be in support of it at least for the sake of other skillers who are going to be disappointed in having to gain combat at no fault of their own? I mean if something didn't affect me but others would gain from it I would love to help out.. I don't get it.

Also with the argument of only resetting HP/Prayer.. Why should I not be able to get my little Range and Attack exp reset? I never trained those two skills in the event something like this mite happen and because I was a little clever and thought ahead I have to be penilised and refused a reset?

I can understand the argument that it's Jagex's fault they're getting combat with their inability to make a solid decision and totally understand that.

I mean as Red said, 'with certain restrictions', they should reset other skills. I mean if Mr Combat want's all his combat stats reset so he can be a skiller he can jog on.. But If I want under 200 combat exp reset in total to avoid accidental level what difference does that make?

Now that wasn't a rant or anything, I'm not sat here steaming mad lol. Just my opinions on it.

For the fact you could level combat and say "oops, reset pl0x" get reset. Ruins the whole purpose imo

No lol that's why I said within reason.. Like for me saying I need 60 Ranged exp reset to avoid leveling is different to someone going 'oops, leveled Str, reset please'

Getting reset every single time you "fail" just defeats the whole purpose. Even if it's only level 2, then can get onto the whole issue of people abusing resets etc etc, also with favoritism of who gets reset, just... urgh


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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2014, 15:52:59 »
I guess it depends on levels and reasons for reset. I mean, I would like Alan to get a reset and he only has 2 mage/defence I think it is, but perhaps people should only be reset if they have skills under level 5 or something to pretend people abusing reset to get things like adze/quests not possible (like when Dan got reset with Vampire Slayer).

Although, I wouldn't want someone like Magnus to get reset because he's a dick.

I don't think people with x amount of xp should get a reset though if it isn't a level. I have xp in random skills but so be it.



Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2014, 15:59:12 »
Still people can unlock even little things (such as Seko getting a +1 on champion scrolls) through the smallest level ups. Do want some friends to get reset (as in past I've got friends reset) but don't want them to give them out to everyone who fails, so ye BIG hypocrite on that I know :')


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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2014, 17:34:51 »
i honestly think they will end up just resetting no one, this is how i see jagex these days.. giving out false hope and then someone higher than them saying simply no


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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2014, 17:38:29 »
I'm not going to cry if I don't get reset, I mean I've had 2 resets in the past but I will try if I see others getting reset.

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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2014, 18:20:05 »
Jagex just needs to stop changing things that weren't wrong in the first place, such as the combat formula before EOC, and focus their efforts in stuff that needs to be updated, like certain mini-games that are basically dead, dealing with bots/gold farmers and such. The fact that they needed to change their combat system, when it was fine, or their combat formula, when it was fine, is just stupid on their part.

Skiller resets, I don't really care about, honestly. I'll assume that the view of what a skiller is will change if they put hp and prayer back into the combat formula, just as it did when they changed the combat formula to include defense.



Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2014, 14:19:56 »
Dang this thread lost so many of it's posts :o


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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2014, 15:43:02 »
I was looking for it to bump it.

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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2014, 16:35:29 »
thats such a shame Stee you are right we have lost a fair few including mod pips thread


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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2014, 03:01:17 »
I made a thread on the Runescape forums, under suggestions for skillers with combat xp.
If you're interested in reading it click on the link below.




Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2014, 04:03:34 »
Eek this topic again.


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Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2014, 04:34:49 »
Eek this topic again.
I am putting it out there for players who want it, You don't have to get involved into skiller resets if it's not something you support



Re: Skiller Resets
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2014, 04:51:44 »
I think any skiller should have the choice to reset both their hp/prayer levels, this was jagex's fault and no1 elses.
However on the combat am not too certain on that, maybe if it was accidental but not op resets that gain u an adze at level 3/4 cause that'd be silly.

Also GL to all when resets do come out <33


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