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Offline Ardo

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Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2018, 19:47:57 »
How am I being toxic because I think that it is not worth to use resources on keeping alive a game, which is played only by handful of people. These resources, which are at the moment used on RSC, could be used on something much more useful.
What resources?
Human resources, financial rescources.
Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.


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Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2018, 19:48:59 »
How am I being toxic because I think that it is not worth to use resources on keeping alive a game, which is played only by handful of people. These resources, which are at the moment used on RSC, could be used on something much more useful.
What resources?
Human resources, financial rescources.

Do you pay a membership to play?

I wonder how much it costs?


Offline Powerless

Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2018, 04:18:47 »
As much as I wish that we could keep everyone happy, I can't see a logical reason why a company would continue running a game played by approximately 30 people or so when their focus, money, and time could be on RS3 and OSRS that can average close to 100,000 people playing per day at any given time.

I wish everyone could play the game they want, but I understand why they want to end it.  :(


Offline Dusbro

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Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2018, 04:31:40 »
I support Jagex on this one. Let the game have an official dignified death in a month or so. Everyone has had time to say goodbyes.


Offline Miss Mudds

Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2018, 08:04:22 »
How am I being toxic because I think that it is not worth to use resources on keeping alive a game, which is played only by handful of people. These resources, which are at the moment used on RSC, could be used on something much more useful.
What resources?
Human resources, financial rescources.

Do you pay a membership to play?

I wonder how much it costs?

If i remember right, to play Classic you have to have Runescape Membership and played on the server before. So its currently tied in to the RS3 membership.

Private server is something we talk about setting up, and it's also something that is planned to be set up. That will be set up regardless of my involvement with private server or not. But I want to be able to talk to the same people as I would if I were to log into RuneScape 3, or Old School RuneScape. Be connected to the same Friends List as if I were playing the other games. Not having to know my friends through other mediums, such as Skype, discord.

JaGEx have let veterans down many times over and over. They done precisely what those who destroyed the game have done, even gone so far as to having sold experience for real world cash. I see no integrity in JaGEx. They don't care about the people who are the most interested in playing the game. I know they only follow the money. I also don't really agree that there's no monetary value in just keeping the server up until it is unplayable for real. There are bugs, and there are bots, but we can still play it. The cost of the servers aren't high. No talk about maintaining the servers, banning bots, or fixing bugs, just keep them opened.

Many games use Skype/Discord to keep people in contact, even when theyre on the same game/world or even right next to each other, so thats not a downside, thats just an evolution of gaming.

If the cost of servers isn't that high, then maybe the 15-30 of you who do play should get together and make your own private server. So it wont be linked to the other accounts, but thats the companies decision to shut it down and sever that link, but there are many ways to keep in contact, you just have to adapt and evolve.

Just out of interest, do you know for certain what the server conditions are like for Classic? How much maintenance they actually have to run on them? Are they compatible to the new RS3 servers/game engines? Maybe the reason theyre shutting them down is because they are NOT compatible, or they are breaking too much, and the money they have to pay out to keep it up and running is not worth it in relation to how many play. You have to look at both sides of this, and in a time when big businesses are going bankrupt, everyone does what they can to keep going.



Offline N0obish Newb

Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2018, 01:56:29 »
"As much as I wish that we could keep everyone happy, I can't see a logical reason why a company would continue running a game played by approximately 30 people or so when their focus, money, and time could be on RS3 and OSRS that can average close to 100,000 people playing per day at any given time."

I can't see a logical reason for them to cut the roots from where they came from, and set fire to their history. To neglect veterans. To stop caring about their legendary legacy.

There are no logical reason to follow the God of Money. If you want to be logical, you cannot let Money guide you. You cannot let Money be your authority. If you let Money be your authority of your life, god knows what bad things may happen to you and your life. It has been tried, many times over and over, by a lot of people. People have killed because of money when they know that is wrong. How logical is that? People have let money be their god rather than ethics. That has caused a lot of suffering over the history. When people leave all their responsibilities over to the god of money.

Edit: I know nothing about the conditions of the servers.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." ~ Benjamin Franklin


Offline Powerless

Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2018, 05:15:00 »
"As much as I wish that we could keep everyone happy, I can't see a logical reason why a company would continue running a game played by approximately 30 people or so when their focus, money, and time could be on RS3 and OSRS that can average close to 100,000 people playing per day at any given time."

I can't see a logical reason for them to cut the roots from where they came from, and set fire to their history. To neglect veterans. To stop caring about their legendary legacy.

There are no logical reason to follow the God of Money. If you want to be logical, you cannot let Money guide you. You cannot let Money be your authority. If you let Money be your authority of your life, god knows what bad things may happen to you and your life. It has been tried, many times over and over, by a lot of people. People have killed because of money when they know that is wrong. How logical is that? People have let money be their god rather than ethics. That has caused a lot of suffering over the history. When people leave all their responsibilities over to the god of money.

Edit: I know nothing about the conditions of the servers.

That's good advice for an individual but not necessarily for a for profit company.


Offline Dusbro

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Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2018, 06:15:10 »
"As much as I wish that we could keep everyone happy, I can't see a logical reason why a company would continue running a game played by approximately 30 people or so when their focus, money, and time could be on RS3 and OSRS that can average close to 100,000 people playing per day at any given time."

I can't see a logical reason for them to cut the roots from where they came from, and set fire to their history. To neglect veterans. To stop caring about their legendary legacy.

There are no logical reason to follow the God of Money. If you want to be logical, you cannot let Money guide you. You cannot let Money be your authority. If you let Money be your authority of your life, god knows what bad things may happen to you and your life. It has been tried, many times over and over, by a lot of people. People have killed because of money when they know that is wrong. How logical is that? People have let money be their god rather than ethics. That has caused a lot of suffering over the history. When people leave all their responsibilities over to the god of money.

Edit: I know nothing about the conditions of the servers.

I'm sorry dude but you're just making up complete nonsense. There's no need to turn this into some kind of philosophical debate? Companies have to be motivated by profit, it's the only way they survive and attract investors. And I don't mean to be rude while writing this, but anyone with a brain knows that you shouldn't provide services and devote resources to something that is .0001% or less of your customer base. Honestly at this point I would be pissed if jagex kept classic running. It would seriously be irresponsible.

But since you want to just type weird stuff about the god of money I'm out. Good luck with your game


Offline N0obish Newb

Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2018, 13:00:53 »
how's your post not a symptom of stockholm syndrome? thanking people for neglecting its roots?
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." ~ Benjamin Franklin


Offline Miss Mudds

Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2018, 16:20:30 »
Not Stockholm Syndrome at all. Thats reality of running a company. Which is what Jagex are. They're not neglecting their roots at all. After all, without Classic we wouldn't have OSRS or RS3 today. They're simply shutting down something that is frankly not worth keeping up and running. It will always be part of their history and as such, will gain a legacy. Just because it is no longer played, doesn't mean its forgotten or letting anyone down.

You may be happy with it being majorly botted or broken, but to a company, something that is no longer fit for purpose either has to be redesigned or stopped. They've chosen to stop. If you want it to stay playable that badly, start your own private server (if there aren't already any up and running) and relive it all there. 

I honestly do admire your passion for keeping it open, but you have to look realistically as many people are. Dusbro is right, no company will keep resources on something that affects just a tiny amount of its customers.


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Save RuneScape Classic!!
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2018, 16:58:30 »

I'm going to have to go ahead and lock this thread as it's getting off-topic, turning into a philosophical discussion and getting overly personal far from the original reason as to why this thread was created.

It's sad that RSC is being scrapped, but at the end of the day, this was Jagex's decision and I highly doubt there's anything we can do to save it. All that's left now are memories, hopefully, happy memories.

All the best,
Mini Nub


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