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Offline Greg

RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« on: October 04, 2016, 17:43:49 »
I am an active player on OSRS, and usually decide to visit RS3 time and time again to see if I can gather any motivation to start a side project (and stick to it).

Now I logged on to RS3 just now, and I can't believe many players were online. Most of the worlds had only around 200 players logged on... When I went back to OSRS, every world had at least 400 players in the world.

Now I didn't count the amount of worlds RS3 has, but doesn't the game feel, dead? With a wider range of content, with so few players, isn't it like playing in single player mode? I can't imagine seeing many players walking past in certain areas that are popular in OSRS.

I read on reddit somewhere that most players just log on to do dailies and that is about it, is it true? Also, it seems to me that most players who still play are either maxed or just veterans of the game. Most content looks like it is designed for high level players (could be entirely wrong).

Anyone care to shed some light on what RS3 is really like? If you didn't have a clan, would the game still be enjoyable?


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2016, 18:26:36 »
I see more and more on my friends list on OSRS, I dont bother trying any new content anymore I find it pointless and boring.


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2016, 18:59:37 »
I see more and more on my friends list on OSRS, I dont bother trying any new content anymore I find it pointless and boring.

I feel theres less and less content being added to RS3. OSRS seems to expand and grow in numbers too !


Offline Shef

Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2016, 00:08:20 »
OSRS has a bot problem that RS3 doesn't. So the numbers may seem higher on their worlds, or in general, but you have to take into account that a portion of their population are bots. If RS3 didn't have the kind of anti-bot protection it does now, the RS3 numbers would be significantly higher also.

OSRS has 70 worlds.
RS3 has 113 worlds.

That's 43 worlds that have population. If we assumed each of those had 150 population, that's 6450 players. If we split this over 70 worlds, it would bring the population up by 92 per world. Overall if you look at the total population on OSRS and RS3, they're about the same. If you subtract the bots from OSRS, they'd have less.

I think RS3 would benefit from a server merge though, to bring more players onto the same server.

When it comes to OSRS updates versus RS3 updates, most of them are quality of life updates which I would like to see introduced to RS3. However you have to think about the content that is being released. OSRS doesn't have to contend with a more advanced game engine, graphic design, game mechanics and animations. OSRS runs on the old engine, making it easier to code for.

I tried OSRS and found it very difficult to get into. I don't see myself ever being able to play that that old kind of gameplay anymore and so RS3 is the one for me.


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2016, 00:35:06 »
There are more bots on osrs


Offline Greg

Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2016, 07:16:38 »
I see more and more on my friends list on OSRS, I dont bother trying any new content anymore I find it pointless and boring.

New content in RS3 offers nothing new. For example the most current update reminds me of fight pits (which is dead content).

OSRS does have a bot problem, only because the game is more profitable. However, it is not that bad considering what it used to be like. I don't mind seeing the odd bot, it brings activity to the game and it doesn't make the world seem dead. If RS3 had bots it be a lot better in my opinion, so in certain areas you are not alone.

A server merge is ideal, RS3 is huge. It is better to have a few high populated worlds than many low populated worlds in my opinion.

I feel that the community in OSRS is better, and the drive from the development team only attracts more users. However, I am pro OSRS, so my opinion is biast.


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2016, 09:41:29 »
If RS3 had bots it be a lot better in my opinion

r u srs..

A server merge is ideal, RS3 is huge. It is better to have a few high populated worlds than many low populated worlds in my opinion.

Server merge would indeed be good.

I feel that the community in OSRS is better, and the drive from the development team only attracts more users. However, I am pro OSRS, so my opinion is biast.

How exactly do you define which community is better? Surely they are both equally good, not sure how you can compare 2 communities for 2 very different (albeit still RS) games. OSRS
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Offline Shef

Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2016, 14:12:09 »
OSRS community isn't better in my opinion. OSRS seems to have a lot of younger players, or at least immature players.


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2016, 14:24:42 »
The OSRS community is more involved, and as a result, I do think they tend to get more quality updates (compare e.g. Reddit activity).
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Offline Cherrycrush

Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2016, 18:48:07 »
Im almost certain that Osrs will outlive RS3, unless Osrs does something dumb like add micro transcations or EOC.

Besides from a few elements of Rs3 (mostly Pvm), the challenge has been completely stripped out of it.

I personally want to play Osrs, probably once I'm closer to reaching my RS3 goals. The updates look so much better than RS3 now. If they get a really good clan system soon, I wouldn't be surprised if more people switched over.


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2016, 19:58:19 »
I'm surprised at how well OSRS has done. I didn't expect people to be interested in it for more than a year. It's why I initially never started playing it, because I didn't want to play a dead game in the future.
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Offline Shef

Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2016, 20:01:11 »
I think they should combine the RS3 and OSRS clan systems. Allow players to play on either game but share the clan functions with one another. To be honest, playing the game with other people isn't really a thing any more. The best part of playing on Runescape is the fact you can be apart of a busy clan, which keeps you social while you wander off and do your own thing.

I think Runescape as a whole would benefit if they bridged OSRS with RS3 as a community. It was the biggest failure in my opinion when they launched OSRS, it split the community in two and now it's a OSRS versus RS3 rather than one big Runescape community.

I don't think OSRS will outlive RS3, it doesn't make anywhere near enough money. They'd do sweeping changes to RS3 before they let it die. If RS3 dies, so does OSRS because if RS3 dies, so does Jagex.

I think there's a risk of micro transactions now that they've been bought by another company. They're going to eventually want to make changes to increase profitability. Regardless of how vocal players will be about OSRS 'never having micro transactions', it's a huge earner. They'd earn more than those who would quit.

Overall though, if we had a combined clan/community I think it would benefit both games. People can learn more about OSRS and decide to play if they wish. But there's also a lot of OSRS players who mainly bang on about how EOC ruined RS3. To be honest, EOC has developed so much and allowed so much awesome content to be released that it's a major selling point. If there was a combined community, OSRS players would be able to at least learn how RS3 really is.


Offline Greg

Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2016, 08:22:31 »
If RS3 had bots it be a lot better in my opinion

r u srs..

I'd rather play in a world full of bots than an empty world.


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2016, 10:04:20 »
Hey Greg,

I do enjoy both games, however I do currently only play Rs3 due to the fact of clans, if both games had a merged clan system then it may bring me over.


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Re: RS3 vs OSRS Activity
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2016, 15:26:50 »
Are they planning CC integration at all or do OSRS players not want it?
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