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Offline maraderkholm

Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:47:54 »
  1 silverhawk feather is a little less than 40K.  I noticed I get about 560 exp (my agility is 88) per charge = 1 feather.  I have some feathers in my bank that I didn't know what they were when I got them.  It seems silly to charge the boots for 40k per feather (which is less than one run around Gnome Stronghold advanced) - am I missing something?
  Let me know because I need the bank space - do I charge the boots or sell the feathers (is there a future use with Elf City I might be missing?)


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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 09:12:17 »
The sole purpose of them was to make immense amounts from he treasure hunter promo, and these days mostly the overly rich people on the top page use them to get agil xp while afking other things. I personally sell any feathers I get
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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 10:07:23 »
I just got the boots last saturday raffle and they came with 250 charges which only lasted like 4 hours or something and got me 200k agility exp, I'll be using the feathers I manage to get from treasure hunter as I got my ways to make money so if I get them free sure I'll use them but don't feel like buying them really it is indeed expensive for a skill that can be done at no cost.

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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 11:24:40 »
Sell them unless you're willing to pay like 70 gp/agility xp. There's no hidden future use. On the contrary actually, I think it is only a matter of time until they have another treasure hunter promotion that will cause prices to crash.
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Offline maraderkholm

Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 15:22:51 »
Thank you - it just seemed to crazy to believe.


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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2014, 17:05:38 »
I find it hard to believe that you can wear boots feed them feathers and it gives you agility xp   #-o

The next ridiculous thing will be raiding a tent in the wilderness and get xp for, farming, construction, herblore, mining and smithing xp   :P  all for nothing and not training either...........but would Jagex will be so silly?


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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2014, 18:25:49 »
I find it hard to believe that you can wear boots feed them feathers and it gives you agility xp   #-o

The next ridiculous thing will be raiding a tent in the wilderness and get xp for, farming, construction, herblore, mining and smithing xp   :P  all for nothing and not training either...........but would Jagex will be so silly?
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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2014, 18:32:10 »
I find it hard to believe that you can wear boots feed them feathers and it gives you agility xp   #-o

The next ridiculous thing will be raiding a tent in the wilderness and get xp for, farming, construction, herblore, mining and smithing xp   :P  all for nothing and not training either...........but would Jagex will be so silly?

Yeah what a ridiculous idea..

I agree, I'd just sell the feathers, like Red said chances are there will be another promotion which will drop the price so mayaswell get what you can for them :)

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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2014, 01:30:22 »
well i bought over 2k feathers if u buy them in bulks u feel the pain but if u hate agility then buy them 100 in a time or 200 so u won't feel it :D


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Re: Researched silverhawk feathers but not sure I get it?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2014, 01:48:16 »
I find it hard to believe that you can wear boots feed them feathers and it gives you agility xp   #-o

The next ridiculous thing will be raiding a tent in the wilderness and get xp for, farming, construction, herblore, mining and smithing xp   :P  all for nothing and not training either...........but would Jagex will be so silly?

You're... you're still not over that?


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