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Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« on: March 01, 2014, 19:59:41 »
I was recently told that Chloe has re-uploaded the old skiller hiscores onto a new site, which can be found here:


In posting this, I would like to thank Rob for his effort in maintaining a hiscores for the skiller community. Thanks Rob for your work on the hiscores.


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 00:31:56 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?

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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 00:52:47 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?

No it's not, it has upto and including level 9's.


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 01:04:02 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?
A toggle for it might be added in the future if that's something a lot of people want!
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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2014, 06:03:14 »
awesome website.I am just curious is this self updating ?


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2014, 11:53:52 »
awesome website.I am just curious is this self updating ?
Yeah, it is
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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2014, 14:21:01 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?
A toggle for it might be added in the future if that's something a lot of people want!

I'm in definite support of this.

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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2014, 22:10:25 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?

Out of curiosity, why does it matter that it's not level 4 only? And for the same reason, why should it be level 4 only?


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2014, 22:37:15 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?

Out of curiosity, why does it matter that it's not level 4 only? And for the same reason, why should it be level 4 only?

I guess because it has a lot more names on than ours. 


Offline Alan

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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2014, 22:57:20 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?

Out of curiosity, why does it matter that it's not level 4 only? And for the same reason, why should it be level 4 only?

I guess because it has a lot more names on than ours. 

That wasn't the point of the question. Why do some people seem to think that only level 4's should be on a "Skiller" hiscores? Do those of us who've gotten levels, especially those who have gotten them by accident not count or something?

I take it this isn't level 4 only?
A toggle for it might be added in the future if that's something a lot of people want!

This is nothing personal Red, but I don't think this should be implemented at all, aside from all the arguements it will cause between those who are level 4 and those who aren't, due to accidents etc. it shows an elitest and snobby attitude towards those who are level 5+ cb. As if to say that we're not real skillers simply because, either we made a mistake or it was a result of a glitch or anything else, and in my opinion, that's quite unfair and degrading.


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2014, 23:01:09 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?

Out of curiosity, why does it matter that it's not level 4 only? And for the same reason, why should it be level 4 only?

I guess because it has a lot more names on than ours. 

That wasn't the point of the question. Why do some people seem to think that only level 4's should be on a "Skiller" hiscores? Do those of us who've gotten levels, especially those who have gotten them by accident not count or something?

I take it this isn't level 4 only?
A toggle for it might be added in the future if that's something a lot of people want!

This is nothing personal Red, but I don't think this should be implemented at all, aside from all the arguements it will cause between those who are level 4 and those who aren't, due to accidents etc. it shows an elitest and snobby attitude towards those who are level 5+ cb. As if to say that we're not real skillers simply because, either we made a mistake or it was a result of a glitch or anything else, and in my opinion, that's quite unfair and degrading.

Alan no one thinks anything of the sort. As I say if and when resets are done everything will be up in the air.

We kept ours at 4 for no reason really, everyone who skills is a skiller simple


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2014, 23:44:36 »
I have always been in favour of inclusive lists too. If it were up to me, summoning pures like Soul In Pain would be added as well. In pre-eoc I would have preferred to have sum, pray and hp pures on the lists as well as anyone with a few accidental levels. However, the popular opinion was strictly level 3s.  I don't really see the harm in a toggle option, though, if the default display is to include all skillers. But yeah, Chloe (and possibly I in the summer) will only spend time on updates if a lot of people want them :P
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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2014, 23:47:06 »
I take it this isn't level 4 only?

Out of curiosity, why does it matter that it's not level 4 only? And for the same reason, why should it be level 4 only?

I guess because it has a lot more names on than ours. 

That wasn't the point of the question. Why do some people seem to think that only level 4's should be on a "Skiller" hiscores? Do those of us who've gotten levels, especially those who have gotten them by accident not count or something?

I take it this isn't level 4 only?
A toggle for it might be added in the future if that's something a lot of people want!

This is nothing personal Red, but I don't think this should be implemented at all, aside from all the arguements it will cause between those who are level 4 and those who aren't, due to accidents etc. it shows an elitest and snobby attitude towards those who are level 5+ cb. As if to say that we're not real skillers simply because, either we made a mistake or it was a result of a glitch or anything else, and in my opinion, that's quite unfair and degrading.

Alan no one thinks anything of the sort. As I say if and when resets are done everything will be up in the air.

We kept ours at 4 for no reason really, everyone who skills is a skiller simple

That's your attitude, and I 100% agree with that, but if no one thought that way, then surely no one would need to ask for a "Level 4 only" option on the hiscores?


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2014, 23:48:47 »
So if they offer you a roll back I guess you will refuse Alan?


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Re: Re-uploaded Skiller Hiscores.
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2014, 23:52:55 »
I have always been in favour of inclusive lists too. If it were up to me, summoning pures like Soul In Pain would be added as well. In pre-eoc I would have preferred to have sum, pray and hp pures on the lists as well as anyone with a few accidental levels. However, the popular opinion was strictly level 3s.  I don't really see the harm in a toggle option, though, if the default display is to include all skillers. But yeah, Chloe (and possibly I in the summer) will only spend time on updates if a lot of people want them :P

I don't have a problem with this, I'd love for everyone to be included, however I still have resverations regarding the toggle option, I just don't see how it couldn't have a substantial impact on the entire community.

Also,how do you judge the popularity of a request to edit the hiscores in any manner? It would be very tricky to get a decent pool of skillers to contribute to any change of the hiscores.


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