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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2014, 13:52:18 »
I want a reset for my cooking lvl, pls jagex


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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2014, 16:53:33 »
I want a reset for my cooking lvl, pls jagex
Same I want to start over with it


Offline Powerless

Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2014, 17:09:41 »
@I Eat Sub - Yea... I'm not 100% sure why skillers who went ahead and got Prayer and Constitution would sicken you.

They were changed into skills that no longer affected combat, even if many saw them as combat skills. How is this different then Slayer? Slayer's regarded as an extremely respectable 99 for skillers yet it technically requires combat without alternative methods. How is it any different than when Constitution and Prayer changed? Especially when Prayer technically doesn't even need combat in order to level; it can be treated just as any other buyable would.


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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2014, 18:18:17 »
@I Eat Sub - Yea... I'm not 100% sure why skillers who went ahead and got Prayer and Constitution would sicken you.

They were changed into skills that no longer affected combat, even if many saw them as combat skills. How is this different then Slayer? Slayer's regarded as an extremely respectable 99 for skillers yet it technically requires combat without alternative methods. How is it any different than when Constitution and Prayer changed? Especially when Prayer technically doesn't even need combat in order to level; it can be treated just as any other buyable would.
Slayer doesn't affect the outcome of a battle, whereas constitution and prayer do
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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2014, 19:31:02 »
@I Eat Sub - Yea... I'm not 100% sure why skillers who went ahead and got Prayer and Constitution would sicken you.

They were changed into skills that no longer affected combat, even if many saw them as combat skills. How is this different then Slayer? Slayer's regarded as an extremely respectable 99 for skillers yet it technically requires combat without alternative methods. How is it any different than when Constitution and Prayer changed? Especially when Prayer technically doesn't even need combat in order to level; it can be treated just as any other buyable would.
when i said that i meant Jagex sicken me.

learn to read.
sickens me that "jagex" would even offer a these packages .

I agree with Redtunnel. The whole point of being a skiller in the first place  was to not to have any skills that would affect the outcome of a battle.
 Some might says well 3-30 cb is skiller i would still disagree . As a player could be a type of "combat pure " between those levels. 25 cb as 99 hp ,27 cb as 99 def , 15 cb as 99 prayer and 27 cb with 99 prayer with 99 summoning are some examples. it still affecting the outcome of a battle.

A good example is those people who pk with dfs at low cb.



Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2014, 00:20:29 »
"Battling" requires you hitting it.

Herblore can effect outcome of the battle with overload potions :>


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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2014, 00:28:48 »
Herblore wasn't designed for the sole purpose to aid in battle. I'm also convinced that prayer and constitution have a way greater impact on the outcome of any fight than extremes/ovl, especially if you take into account that the player who doesn't have the herb level for extremes/ovl still can boost his combat stats to next to comparable levels by other means :P
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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2014, 00:41:19 »
That wasn't a serious statement btw lol :>


Offline Powerless

Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2014, 03:48:54 »
@I Eat Sub - You don't have to be rude about it..? Either way, saying that it sickens you that Jagex would offer it implies that it's the skiller's fault for ruining their combat level by doing skills
that were changed to fit a skiller's combat level originally and that even though Jagex changed it on them, the skillers shouldn't have the ability to revert back to being the level 3 skiller
they were passionate about being.

@Redtunnel - I understand that completely. I think it all just depends on everyone's individual opinion on what a skiller technically is. I know some who believe it's just to have the
highest total level/experience possible while retaining the lowest combat level. While I see there are skillers like you who see it differently and look at it as "if the skiller were in battle" and how skills could affect the outcome.

I still see nothing wrong with Jagex offering it. I love the idea of people being able to "recover" their "lost" accounts due to the skill changes. The only thing that gets to me is the Defence pure
debate about how ANYONE is able to revert their Defence back to level 1 even if they were previously a Defence pure in the first place. As for Constitution and Prayer though, I'm 100% for it. Skillers that only got those levels for the sole reason that they didn't affect combat level shouldn't have their hard earned account suffer because Jagex decided they made an oopsy and went back on an update.


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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2014, 03:53:54 »
Next week's update: Agility gives combat levels! So buy your silverhawks feathers now!


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Re: Pure Resets
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2014, 14:11:12 »
I'm just hoping that they stick to their word (I know..) by saying other resets are taken into consideration. I know I get a lot of hate for accidentally levelling combat but it happens. My own outlook is if they can reset all this HP/Pray exp and levels and so on they can do 270 Mage exp.

If they made skillers able to train those skills and they've now changed their minds we should be able to reset back.. It's not our fault. Fortunately I knew sometime they'd do this so I never bothered with those skills.

sickens me that jagex would even offer a these packages .

Atrue skiller would have not gotten prayer and hp in the first place.I dont understand the whole pure low def thing.
I got HP+Pray because it never raised cmb levels, fully maxed or nothing :>

Also a "true skiller" would adapt

Does this count as me? Failed twice haha.. It only annoys me because of other people's sly digs constantly.

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