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Nerf SC?
« on: May 22, 2014, 13:38:07 »
Stealing Creation is a minigame where you can earn bonus XP in fishing, mining, woodcutting, hunter, smithing, construction, crafting and fletching (and combat skills, but I dunno how much XP those are as I'm a noob skiller!). Sc games have traditionally been organised by fcs such as "fast sc" and "1elitesc" where no combat is involved; you simply focus on gathering resources until they're all gone. Doing this, you can expect around 150k XP/h (or 200k/h if the teams are small).

Recently a new method of playing SC has become popular. People multilog and use their mains on one team and alts on the other team. Once the mains have adequate reward points, they log out with their alts to end the game early. This method yields 350-400k xp/h. To speed up the scoring further and end quicker, they gather resources on their alts as well and pickpocket them with their mains. This method is approximately 580k/h.

As multilogging is seemingly legal now, I don't even think it's against the rules.
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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2014, 13:47:20 »
I think mult-logging is still against the rules, as its still in the rules section :P, but FAGEX are dumb-asses and don't care about it so people will do it :(.  Using alts for sc is same as using alts for warbands in terms of needing a nerf i assume?


Offline Jarofhearts

Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2014, 16:19:12 »
ty jagex can't even tell people what is legal and not


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2014, 16:25:06 »
I think multi logging is still against the rules, not that there is a way to report it so what can you do?

As previously said people use alts for war bands and castle wars.

I wonder how many top players have actually not bent the rules?


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2014, 16:32:48 »
I think multi logging is still against the rules, not that there is a way to report it so what can you do?

As previously said people use alts for war bands and castle wars.

I wonder how many top players have actually not bent the rules?

Same could be said for the top skillers.


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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2014, 16:37:12 »
I think multi logging is still against the rules, not that there is a way to report it so what can you do?

As previously said people use alts for war bands and castle wars.

I wonder how many top players have actually not bent the rules?

Same could be said for the top skillers.

totally agree


Offline Matty

Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2014, 16:50:29 »
We expect our players not to cheat (as there are no cheats) or indulge in dishonest behaviour. With this in mind, the following behaviour is deemed unacceptable:

Macroing, and use of bots or third-party software
Real-world trading, or buying power-levelling
Buying, selling or sharing an account
Multiple logging-in
Knowingly exploiting a bug
Jagex staff impersonation
Password, account, bank PIN or item scamming
Advert blocking – (the adverts pay for the games you play)
Encouraging others to break the rules
Player-run games of chance


The former rules include:

Offensive Language (includes spamming)
Item Scamming
Password Scamming
Cheating/Bug Abuse
Jagex Staff Impersonation
Account Sharing/Trading
Using Third Party Software Like Bots (titled "Macroing" in-game)
Multiple Logging-In
Encouraging Others to Break Rules (all rules included)
False Representations (later removed from in-game report screen.)
Real World Item Trading
Asking for Personal Details (phone numbers,emails etc.)
Misuse of Official Forums
Advertisement Blocking

as far as i know all these 'rules are still in place until offically updated and posted on the main page of Runescape.com



Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2014, 17:11:19 »
I think multi logging is still against the rules, not that there is a way to report it so what can you do?

As previously said people use alts for war bands and castle wars.

I wonder how many top players have actually not bent the rules?

Some alts for warbands are used in the guide lines of the rules and are not breaking them, it is just peoples negative thinking against Dragonseance and Efficiency Experts and how they use alts etc that makes people think negative about them so much.

Alts for Castle Wars are the same, some are the same player but a majority are not.

MOST top pagers do abuse the use of alts, some just have slaves who do it for them and act as their "alt"

Had conversation about the nerf of SC other day with some people and they said "they won't nerf it because it will become dead content"  but personally think they should anyway it's far too overpowered getting that much bonus so quick.

If you disagree with the whole concept of it, just don't it ;o I'm choosing not to do minigames for bonus xp (with the exception of any promotional weekends like the SC weekend just passed)

But I do agree it should be nerfed to say, only get points if full 20 min game is played or if all clay has been depleted.


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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2014, 17:21:50 »
It went bad when they made the bonus exp you get from tools, into bonus EXP. The whole IDEA of the reward given, is away. First everyone only went SC for hammer and needles. Cause nobody uses butterfly nets for 99 Hunt etc. But now it's just bonus EXP. they can nerf this all with just some simple tweaks in the minigames, but they're just too stupid too see that, can't blame people take advantage of the period it's lying there for free. When I made a few new accounts I xfer'ed some cash, yes, and the multilogging was that easy, and it's been the same for years, and still they didn't tweak that.

They are also too dumb to just make the rules crystal clear, their own fault to be honest.

Not trying to defend multiloggers, but you can't blame people for taking advantage of the time it is lying ahead.

If you found 1b on the ground, you wouldn't go question yourself, should I pick it up?



Offline Jarofhearts

Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2014, 17:51:07 »
I agree if it's not going to be compelty disclosed on what is legal and not there is basically go at your own discreptency. Doing war bands on lays and doing other things on alts. In my opinion they should just drop the multi logging rule or enforce it. As much as I hate EE and Dragonseance banning them wouldn't be fair. Giving a few day warning that they are enforcing multilogging would be fair and stating that they are going to start banning people who are multilogging. From a business stand point just drop the rule each alt is a membership which is money.


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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2014, 18:23:36 »
Oh this mess gets worse and worse!


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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2014, 21:21:55 »
I still find it strange that people took what Mod Balance posted so seriously  :Erm:

Essentially every time over the last however long since the RZ Jmods were appointed people have been calling them essentially irrelevant (worse words than that), yet, as soon as one makes a post about something like this people take it as an absolute because it suits them?

Hey, anyway, it's so kind of the players' friends to first of all let them refer them, and then boost SC for them, I wish I had friends like that ;-;


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2014, 21:53:41 »
I believe it was taken seriously for two reasons:
1. He formally addressed a controversial question that had been a heated topic for quite some time. From my perspective, they tend to avoid ambiguous topics (e.g. mousekeys/ahk).
2. His answer wasn't his own interpretation. He did take it to his superiors before replying. If you look at his post history, you can find completely different answers to the same question (and those answers were probably his interpretations of the rules, unless Jagex changed their minds in less than a month).
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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2014, 21:54:07 »
Apparently the multilogging rule etc is been re-written at the moment and should be updated soon :s waiting game I guess ;o


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: Nerf SC?
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2014, 22:01:38 »
Apparently the multilogging rule etc is been re-written at the moment and should be updated soon :s waiting game I guess ;o
Source? :P
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