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Re: Is OSRS the way to go?
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2015, 13:56:09 »
I enjoy 07 but I also like RS3 it's mainly because RS3 has a lot more benefits the higher level you are I believe


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Re: Is OSRS the way to go?
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2015, 14:43:04 »
Edit: This is all to inform those who do not play old school of some issues. I do not mean for this to be a bash on Old school post. There are a crap ton of problems on Rs3 I could list as well, so in no means do I mean that one is really better than the other.

While the numbers are rising, there are def more bots and with f2p worlds they increased the numbers a bit more as well, however, not everything is all peachy there.

While there are good mods on the game, there is a shit load of bashing on mechanics of the game and how they are doing polls and not clarifying them which is causing distress.

Two examples of this is of course, Nightmare Zone, being a combat training method that allows you to train for 6 hours while you sleep. Splashing was polled and 'fixed', however it is still completely possible to afk for the 6 hours though they said they were removing it (I believe, not 100%. They made an attempt to with invisible randoms however you can still afk in pvp worlds). They tried to poll NMZ to remove it or change it even though it is EASILY a broken mechanic (100k Exp Hr, complete afk and allows you an extra 6 hours while sleeping because you do not get logged out while in combat), and because the vote did not pass they decided to leave it in. There needs to be a line in which the developers actually decide that they need to remove or change something like this when it is bad for the game.

The motherlode mine recent had a revelation that you can trade things called Soft Clay packs to get an untradeable mining set, Prospectors, which generally takes 20 hours of mining that the Motherlode mine and instead buy it for 2.5M or whatever. In the poll it clearly states that you had to do the mining to get it however when asked about how they should remove the clay trading to not devalue it they said that it isn't seen as a problem.

Zulrah, a new boss added, as well as the wyvern drop tables makes it so most profit is gained through pvm, devaluing resource gaining skills, sort of how it is like on rs3 now. I think Zulrah is 1.5M+ a hour gp if you know what you're doing which is pretty insane comparatively.

There's no doubt in my mind that it does seem more enjoyable to not have to deal with promotions or bxp. That is personally why I'm torn about playing because I don't enjoy old school but I'm also tired of rs3 in some aspects (fk u sharks).

I like ironman on 07 because things like splashing and nmz arn't -as- easy to do so its just like rs3 where ironman dodges a lot of bxp and what not however I just don't like playing a visually and gameplay stimulating worse version. My opinion though, obviously that's pretty low considering how little i play rs3 now :P

sorry for long post and bad format, i'm tired.

Also you can play Oldschool if you like dank memes. They have a lot of those.

Oldschool seems to have amazing j-mods though. Can't they also do something about the botting situation?
If it was only that simple with the botting situation, maybe both games wouldn't have to deal with it. The release of F2P made the botting situation way worse though.

I would probably deal with the picture above more than this though

Better game obviously. \:D/ Every update isn't Solomon's or TH like RS3 is. No bonus xp or easily obtainable huge gains like warbands either.
I agree with this the most in why Old school might be slightly better, however it's not like getting the cash for training skills is even that hard now. Spend a week getting 70/50/70 stats, buy a few bonds for full Guthans or do some ranging nmz set up (not as afk, cannot sleep while doing it), and then just do Wyverns or Zulrah. Solves any money issue or buyable problem for the most part.

I know I cherry picked things to make old school look bad but I believe those are the primary issues with it that I see.
If you like a better/fairer exp rated game I think you would enjoy old school more. Getting on the high scores pretty much sailed away though so I wouldn't say it is that much different than getting on the high scores on rs3 now besides it being more difficult.

They are def getting some awesome updates such as Zeah, the new Continent as well as when polls actually describe what they are polling for it usually ends up in a better QoL change which I like. Also they don't have to pay for bank space. 800 right at the start.


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Re: Is OSRS the way to go?
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2015, 17:38:52 »
Bots will most likely always be a problem which is why I only ever play on w386 which is the 'bot world'. Which pretty much ironically has no bots since it's only when the Jmods move them there or something.

Nmz and splashing are both bullshit and I agree they should definitely be removed but it's unlikely they will. I wouldn't ever do them and a few things you said aren't relevant to ironman accounts so I'm not worried about this, like the mlm softclay packs.

Maybe Zulrah is good for high level accounts but you need decent gear and stats to start it out. Predominantly a trident and I guess rune xbow and broads now they changed it to make it more vulnerable to magic.

I'd be happy with the game if Nmz and splashing was removed though. And all the dank meme shit. Every twat saying Kappa all the time really gets on my tits.


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