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Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2011, 23:47:25 »
No I am not. But it's total garbage that people who busted their asses for top page ranks are going to lose them now. Pitiful way to make money by shitting out people's achievements.


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Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2011, 23:49:37 »
I kinda do see Jagex's point. Free-to-play is almost a trial of the game in some ways. I agree that highscores should only be for the people who pay for the game.

Jagex themselves have said that they see p2p as an expansion of the f2p version of the game. That's not a trial.



Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #32 on: November 15, 2011, 23:52:59 »
And they say the have the best f2p game? Next joke PLOX


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Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2011, 23:53:50 »
And they say the have the best f2p game? Next joke PLOX

It's hardly a surprise that they didn't win the Golden Joystick awards.



Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2011, 00:07:16 »

If you're not a F2p player I don't see why you're complaining.
There's another website that will keep track of F2p highscores anyway.



Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2011, 00:15:05 »
They might as well win the GoldenJoydick awards Honestly. I just wish I could eat myself alive. Then again..IDK (;



Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2011, 00:50:42 »
Quote from: Ignite
WOWOWWOWOWOW All I have to say about this bullshit. People have to pay to keep their god damn ranks? SERIOUSLY? God dammit this honestly is the WORST update in all of RuneScape.
I want to comment on this but since it's locked I will do it here.

I see that you're going for 200M firemaking experience, like I am "going for" (term used loosely) 200M cooking experience. But would you rather have 200M experience and a ranking or accomplishing a difficult task? Are you training it more for the rank and experience or more for the fun of the skill? It's not like their taking your experience away. You'll become a hidden gem rather than some rank (if you're F2P, I assume so by how outraged you are).



Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2011, 12:29:56 »
I just find it stupid that people such as Allar, Zarftot, Elias, El Popo1, and Water to name a few will just be "gone." When I talk to the average player of today they don't even know who these people are. It just really saddens me...I just want to facedesk myself. Again.



Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2011, 14:06:16 »
I just find it stupid that people such as Allar, Zarftot, Elias, El Popo1, and Water to name a few will just be "gone." When I talk to the average player of today they don't even know who these people are. It just really saddens me...I just want to facedesk myself. Again.
It's not the end of the world. It shouldn't bother you, I'm sure if it bothers them that much they'll buy members.


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Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2011, 14:38:39 »
Ridiculous! Really wish they would've stuck to their word when they said "Free2Play will not be a Demo of the game"

Not sure if this will really help or not, but could you post on this petition please? Thanks all


Offline Gabe

Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2011, 19:34:38 »
Hi-score Changes - FAQ

In the newspost you said the you were making the hi-scores a members-only feature "for a number of reasons" - what are these other reasons?

We want to make the hi-scores more relevant to existing players by removing everyone who doesn’t belong there, mainly the 99,97% of botters who were populating the free game. We have banned loads, but this way we catch more to make the hi-scores more relevant to the players who are actively using them to compete.

If the real issue was the dormant accounts, why didn't you just remove dormant accounts from the hi-scores, rather than all F2P players?

We don’t want to leave it to chance that we catch out all the bots. 99.97% of all bots were F2P, so only by excluding free players from the hi-scores could we guarantee that all bots have gone.

How do you expect the hi-scores to remain meaningful when ranks will constantly be changing depending on who is currently a member?

We simulated this and we are convinced that the hi-scores become much more meaningful because you are competing with fellow players, not with bots and dormant accounts like right now.

Both F2P and members are adverse to this update. How did you come to the conclusion that we may like it?!

Removing bots from the hi-scores is very popular and the way that we are doing it is the most successful approach that there is.

Why couldn't you add an option for users to split the hi-scores between either A: Members, B: Non-Members, C: Both?

In order to make the hi-scores relevant for today's users, we needed to exclude dormant accounts and bots which populate the hi-score tables, therefore we had to exclude the bots which are overwhelmingly F2P – splitting the hi-scores wouldn’t have achieved this aim at all.

How about allowing F2P to get entry into the hi-scores when they get a 99 in any F2P skill rather than have our efforts go completely ignored?

It’s not ignored – quite the opposite! Currently there are so many lvl 99 players up there who got there by botting or are dormant. This number will reduce so that now a level 99 is a bigger achievement which will get noticed by more people.

Previously, Jagex stated that F2P was supposed to be a full game in itself and not a demo. Has this stance changed?

It is a full game in itself. If you buy any other supposedly free game, you don’t have to go far until you are either stopped or you need micro-transactions to proceed. How can you compare RuneScape to that?

As the supposed "World's Most Popular Free MMORPG", where does this leave us non-members? How long do we have until free to play doesn't exist at all?

We don’t need to recall all of the free benefits, do we? Unlimited game-time, possibility to enjoy the levels in free skills that you made in the members game, improvements in graphics and gameplay, holiday events, community events ... and more!

Are you aware that this is likely to break the F2P community? It will no longer be competitive and fun.

We believe in one overall RuneScape community and it is its integrity that we are concerned about. We we are convinced that it is the right decision for the overall community to limit hi-score rankings for the people who actually compete and not ones who are dormant or botted.

As a F2P player, the hi-scores inspired me to become a member as I liked to regularly monitor my rankings. Don’t you think that the removal of this motivation will lower the member conversion?

It is very easy to check the hi-scores now because we removed all the dormant and botted accounts from it – making them more relevant and therefore enticing players to check them even more frequently.

What is the point of continuing to level? As soon as you wish to have a break or leave, your whole existence is removed.

This is not the case. Nobody's levels are taken away. As soon as you want to return to RuneScape and add membership again, the levels will be shown on the website.

My friend is F2P, how am I supposed to compare our scores now?

If you really want to compete, you should have a level playing field; meaning that your friend should have as many skills to train and as many possibilities to get XP as you, therefore it is only a fair competition if he subscribes to RuneScape and gets the same opportunities that you enjoy.

How will clan rankings change once F2P ranks are removed? How are F2P clans supposed to hold competitions?

Clan hi-scores will not be affected in any way by the planned changes. We will be looking to see whether it makes sense for us to make any changes to them, but nothing has been decided yet.

What if a F2P player – that has never been member before - with 200M XP in a skill decides to become a member AFTER the update. Will he/she still have the rank for that 200M stat or will he/she be placed at the end of the line because he wasn't a member at the time of the update?

The current plan is that we will preserve their order, so no maxed out player should ever lose their position.

QFC: 16-17-732-63382107

Reading this aggravated me.



Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2011, 19:37:45 »
Glad on the 200m's. Dont care bout the rest



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Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2011, 20:00:57 »
Instead of this bull shit about dormant users, they should work on actually removing the botters, not penalizing legitimate players. The way it is now, all the botters with P2P will still be on the hiscores. And who is to say the dormant botters will not (re)subscribe? I cynically assume it's about money, and from an economic perspective, it may be understandable. I would happily accept the changes, if they were honest.

Should we remove the old top/world records in each sport, because the athletes who set them have retired? It's absurd.

To me it is a bigger achievement to be better than everyone, and that's what I would be fighting for. E.g. If I was competing to be the best skiller, I wouldn't just want to be the best active skiller.
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Offline Winter

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Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2011, 20:12:27 »
Should we remove the old top/world records in each sport, because the athletes who set them have retired? It's absurd.

Amen to that.


angel imy

Re: Highscores P2p only
« Reply #44 on: November 17, 2011, 20:56:17 »
Should we remove the old top/world records in each sport, because the athletes who set them have retired? It's absurd.

Amen to that.


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