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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Game Update teaser - Boss Log
« on: September 02, 2017, 14:44:36 »
Hey all,

Another game teaser for you, this one introduces the Boss Log that comes into game on Monday!

From Monday, you can head to the Beasts tab, pick a boss, then click the new 'Collection' button beneath their picture.

There, you'll see a list of drops that you'll need to obtain from the boss in question to earn an all-new title. Note that some items will already be ticked off, if you've obtained them.

There's a hidden achievement for each one, too, which will show up in the new 'Feats' section of the Achievements interface on completion.

Once the update is live you will now have the ability to quickchat your boss drops! Alongside this if you happen to get every drop in that boss you will get an exclusive title, some pictures below of the quickchat and title in action. :)

So get ready for Monday, should be a good one!


Offline Karli

Re: Game Update teaser - Boss Log
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2017, 16:01:00 »
seems like william is gonna get his vitalis soon


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