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Full F2P Dungeoneering Guide.
« on: December 18, 2011, 12:54:53 »
I didn't make this, credits to UsedToBeZerk and whoever helped him with it.

For me the most important floor time wise of this guide is the 'bonus' paths bit.

Dear clanmates,

The ones who have kept an eye on 'Loyals' clanforums (#1 F2P Fist of Guthix clan kty), must have noticed this isn’t my first Dungeoneering Guide; I wrote a shorter, limited one as well several months ago, but unfortunately it had been deleted automatically after a few weeks due to inactivity; I didn’t know how to make it ‘sticky’ back then. .

I only Dungeoneer in the Dg Family homeworl: W61, but it’s difficult to find a party there if you’re not known at the community, or if you’re combat level is <90 and Dungeoneering level <80. So before you head off to thé F2P Dungeoneering world, it’s suggested that you either solo or multi in W7 (or with friends) until you hit 80 Dungeoneering, while practicing what’s mentioned below.
Those 2M xp could be a pain, since the xp-rate will be slow, but consider it as an investment for a later stage. I don’t want to overflow W61 with even more randommers, so please don’t even try W61 before you hit level 80. Note that this guide is mainly written for the ones who’re planning to Dungeoneer in order to get several million xp, and not for the ones who just want a gravite shortbow or something, although this guide does contain a few useful tips for them as well.

Feel free to add whatever you have in mind that's missing, since I'm sure this guide isn't complete. Also let me know if I need to edit.

Thanks to 1 Nr for what he already posted on the clanforums.

- Clanguides; continue where the game-manual stops –

Before you start

Party setup:

1-29: Small 5:5 c6 no guide mode
30-35: Large 5:5 c6 no guide mode

- Use a party-setup with 2 combaters (>89) and 3 skillers* (3-15). Avoid anything in between.
- Let the most experienced combater or the one with the highest combat level (to avoid xp-loss) lead.
- Turn share-xp off.

In general

- Use F-keys (F1-F5) to switch between screens quickly.
- Adjust your graphical settings to reduce lagg/increase FPS.
- Close secondary screens which could cause lagg.
- Select aggressive prayers (+15% att/str) as quickprayer.
- Split the roles in a keyer and a tooler before you start (more about keyer/tooler-system later on).
- Get at least 1 skiller with >53 runecrafting, and ask him to drop a pile of laws at base every floor.
- Ask another skiller to drop a toolkit at base every floor.
- Make sure you got the right binds before you start (more about binds later on).

* The term ‘skiller’ is just a formality; no skilling is involved (although a lawmaker would be useful).



Weapon: Fractite Spear.*
Armour: Fractite Gauntlets + Fractite Boots (if >99).
Ammo: Cosmic runes.

Weapon: Fractite Spear.*
Armour: Fractite Gauntlets + Fractite Boots (if >99) OR Spimebeam shortbow.**
Ammo: Cosmics runes OR Fracite Arrows**.


Weapon: Fractite Spear.*
Armour: Fractite Platebody + Fractite Gauntlets (if >99) OR Spimebeam Shortbow.**
Ammo: Cosmics runes OR Fracite Arrows**.

* If you for some reason don't want defence xp, get a Fractite 2H. It does have a lower DPM overall, due to slower hit and no stab-mode available.
** Only bind Bow/Arrows if you're 99 ranged and <90 strength.



Smalls: Floors 1-29.
Larges: Floors 30-35.
Sktg/Stg/S2g: Skiller to go.
Cbtg/Ctg/C2g: Combat to go.

Smalls cb2sktg: I'm hosting Floors 1-29, and need 1 combat and 2 skillers to get started.

In general

Ggs: Group gatestone
Gs/G8d: Gated (dropped a gatestone at ...)
Gd: Guardian door
Gk: Got key
Gt: Group gatestone teleport
Gtgd: Group gatestone teleport guardian door
Tk: Toolkit
T/Mgt: Taxi (Order: Gate where you are, and take the Ggs to it)
B: Boss
B gs: Boss gated
Gtb: Group gatestone teleport boss (a.k.a. Go to boss)
Mgtb: Move group gatestone teleport boss
Fg: Free gate (means you don't have a (useful) gatestone at that moment)
De: Dead end
Denk: Dead end no key
Dewk: Dead end with key


B: Blue
C: Crimson
Go: Golden
Gr: Green
O: Orange
P: Purple
S: Silver
Y: Yellow

Co: Corner
Cr: Crescent
D: Diamond
P: Pentagon
R: Rectangle
S: Shield
T: Triangle
W: Wedge

Cr: Crimson rectangle. Grcr: Green crescent. God: Golden Diamond. For some reason Gos (Golden shield) doesn't exist. All other combinations are possible.


H: Home
N: North
E: East
S: South
W: West
Nw: North-west
Se: South-east
Sw: South-west*

* 'Sw' could mean 'Silver wedge' and 'South west', so only use 'Sw' to give directions if it's obvious that a direction is meant (for example after a teammate asked where a certain door is). Otherwise just use 'south west'.

Combined example: Bcr nw: Blue crescent north-west. Yw s h: Yellow wedge south home*

*Note that you give directions to where the doors are that require that key, not where the keys themselves are (since you'd probably have them in your inventory if you'd know where they are).


This system is used among all pro’s in w61, and is probably most efficient xp/h-wise. The leader is the keyer, and the second combater is the tooler. Both players can hold keys, and hold the ggs after a t, but it’s just a way of expressing. The system barely applies on larges, since both roles are pretty similar there, but the differences between both are described below.

You drop a gs at h, and run in straight after without looting anything (except a key if there is one). Your goal is to head in as far as possible as fast as possible. Mark gd’s and drop the ggs at a tk door, gd or 3 way on your way in, unless the tooler is in the same room already or nearby. Shout out keydoors you spot (sp oco n) and keys you have (gk bw grcr). Once you reach a de, teleport back to h. Pick up the laws (and tk) the skillers made, and proceed. Shout out the keydoors you regate. If it was a 2-way, and the other combater headed in already, ask for a t. Shout fg whenever it applies. Shout gt sp for example if you approach that door and the tooler has the required key, and drop the keys the tooler gated, unless he isn’t in the same room.

You drop a gs at h, unless it’s a one-way, pick up an item worth at least 1320 gp and pick up (or buy) rune essence, buy a tk from the trader, right-click the runecrafting altar, and make at least 12 laws (select ‘make 50’). Don’t loot food. Shout out keydoors at h and open openable doors at h, unless ‘gt tk’ has been shout out by the keyer. Regate wherever you are if the keyer needs you for a tk door, gd, key or t, since those first 2 rooms is what you focus on, unless you’re in a dewk picking up a key. Don’t hesitate to regate, since the keyer gated h. If you’re stuck, teleport to your gs if you can proceed there, otherwise gt. Shout fg whenever it applies. Gate keydoors of which the keyer has the required key, shout it out, gt, pick up the key, gs back and open the door.

Strategies vs monsters


- Forgotten Warrior (chain/topless): Mage>Stab>Slash
- Forgotten Warrior (Plate): Mage>Crush
- Giant Rat: Stab>Slash
- Icefiend: Stab>Range>Slash
- Earth Warrior: Mage>Crush
- Hill Giant: Stab>Slash
- Bats: Stab>Slash
- Brutes: Stab>Mage>Slash
- Dog: Stab>Slash
- Hobgoblin: Stab>Slash
- Forgotten Rangers: Stab>Slash
- Forgotten Magers: Range>Slash>Stab
- Mysterious Shade: Slash>Range
- Spiders: Crush>Slash
- Zombie: Slash>Mage
- Animated Pickaxes: Slash>Stab
- Ice Warriors: Crush>Stab
- Ice Giant: Crush>Stab
- Ice Elementals: Crush>Stab
- Trolls: Stab>Slash
- All Skeletons: Crush>Stab


Certain bosses start attacking you instead of your opponent if you switch your attack style to defense mode. This could be useful on larges if your opponent is about to die, while boss is almost dead, or if your opponent sucks at luring Bal’lak the Pummeler.

1/3: Frozen

Gluttonous behemoth:
- Attack style: Stab>Slash
- Prayers: Mage/Melee
- Extra: Block both food-piles

Astea Frostweb:
- Attack style: Range>Stab>Slash
- Prayers: Mage
- Extra: Open gated doors/taxi when she’s using Protect Melee

Icy Bones:
- Attack style: Stab>Slash
- Prayers: Melee
- Extra: None

Luminescent icefiend:
- Attack style: Stab>Crush
- Prayers: Mage/Range
- Extra: No need to run to avoid spikes; only his normal attack can kill you. Synchronize hits to KO him to skip a stage where he has 1 or 11 hp

Plane-freezer lakhrahnaz:
- Attack style: Stab>Slash>Range
- Prayers: Range
- Extra: Try to have a pillar/wall at your back while attacking to avoid being pushed away. Drop the ggs at the ladder before you kill it

To’kash the Bloodchiller:
- Attack style: Crush>Stab
- Prayers: Mage/Melee
- Extra: Free your opponent if he gets frozen

2/3: Abandoned

Skeletal Horde:
- Attack style:Crush>Range
- Prayers: Range suggested, unless a high leveled mage/melee is attacking you
- Extra: Block the tunnel after you killed 3 skeletons; no need to wait for the skinweaver to shout it out

Hobgoblin Geomancer:
- Attack style: Stab>Range>Slash
- Prayers: None (neither 15% --> makes him heal)
- Extra: The one who's bind to the spot, should drop ggs, and gt once the teammate picked it up and started attacking

Bulwark beast:
- Attack style: Stab>Slash
- Prayers: Range, unless your behind him: Mage
- Extra: Use a pickaxe to get rid of his armor, or use blastrunes on the lvl 70 in case skillers made some

Unholy cursebearer:
- Attack style:Crush>Stab
- Prayers: Mage
- Extra: Don't use the healing fountain, as it makes him heal.

Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan:
- Attack style: Stab>Slash>Range
- Prayers: Melee
- Extra: Hide behind a pillar once he starts to glow

Bal'Lak the Pummeler:
- Attack style: Slash>Stab
- Prayers: Mage/Melee
- Extra: Lure him to 1 (or more) portals to keep his defense as low as possible

3/3: Furnished

- Attackstyle: Stab>Slash
- Prayers: None (as it makes him ‘CHARGE’ more often)
- Extra: Run to a corner if he charges.

- Attack style: Stab > Slash
- Prayers: Range
- Extra: Avoid slow rocks, and synchronize hits after blue and green loadstones have been charged to avoid charging red. Drop a gs in front of a pilar to be able to get right in front of it after you picked up a loadstone.

Har’Lakk the Riftsplitter:
- Stab>Mage>Range
- Prayers: Mage
- Extra: Move away from the hp/stat-draining portals

Lexicus Runewright:
- Attack style: Range>Stab>Slash
- Prayers: Mage
- Extra: Focus on the boss, leave the books. Run away a few spots when he shouts ‘Book barrage!’

- Attack style: Stab>Slash
- Prayers: Mage
- Extra: Drop ggs at the ladder, and gate at certain spots where he often spawns, in order to get back easily. Synchronize hits to KO him to skip a stage where he has 1 or 11 hp

Night-gazer Khighorahk:
- Attack style: Slash>Range
- Prayers: Mage
- Extra: Focus on 1 pilar, unless he starts to jump right after you lit one

Additional tips

This part of the guide contains useful tips and tricks, but can't be placed under one of the other parts, which is why a special section is reserved for it.

- Press F4 right after the floor started, and run to an openable door at the same time. Click on it (Enter/Unlock etc), and create a gatestone straight after. Press F1, right-click the gatestone, hover 'drop' and click just before the doorlagg appears (so before it's actually opened). Press F1 straight after, to be able to set the appropriate attackstyle in case it's a guardian door. Select your quickprayers if it is indeed.
- If a room leads to a guardian door + another door, skip/mark/gate the guardian door and open the other (faster) door first.
- If you approach a skill/keydoor, while you have the key, click the door once (unlock), then right-click it and 'hover' open. Click once the door is unlocked.
- Drop the ggs in a crowded crafting puzzle room, tele to your gs (and hope it's safe), craft your weapons/bodyparts, regate and tele back to the ggs and unlock the room to avoid getting hit while crafting.
- If you open a door, and it turns out to be a dewk, drop the ggs, enter the dewk, pick up the key inside, teleport back to the ggs and pick it up. A similar situation applies if you enter a room, which has a door to be opened near you, but a key behind a wall/corner. This saves both time and energy.
- Don't stop the timer of a maze, if there isn't a key near it; that's not a requirement to open the doors. It could prove useful to do so anyway, if it's a 3-way or near base with many rooms behind it.
- Sometimes, doors next to monoliths, are openable before the monolith is fully charged. These doors are regular guardian doors, so open them before you charge the monolith.
- Let the other combater hold the ggs, if you’re in the same room and fg.

Skippable doors

Main rule for larges: Skip practically everything (besides gated doors/doors in same room that can be opened within 5 seconds) after the boss has been found.

Skip the following rooms until you're stuck:
- Monolith
- Ghosts
- 5 Ferrets
- Switches
- Emotes
- 10statues
- Hard guardian doors.

100% skip for best xp/h (because the rooms take time, and are always bonus):
- Ramokee
- Hunter ferret
- Doors belonging to keys found in p2p rooms
- A room with several mining obstacles
- Charge purple loadstone

Rooms behind skilldoors that rewarded you with 260 xp or more, are bonus.

Also, I've had a theory for a while, based on experience that the next room is bonus too, although it isn't waterproof: You enter a room, which has a guardian door (1) and another door (2) which can be opened already. If (2) leads to a guardian door (3), guardian door (1) is bonus.


Offline Tommykillme

Re: Full F2P Dungeoneering Guide.
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2011, 13:15:31 »
Megan. This is an amazing guide. Thank you very much for sharing it with us.

I am a dungeoneering noob, this will come in perfect for me! :D


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Re: Full F2P Dungeoneering Guide.
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 14:42:17 »
Thank you for posting this guide, it's really helpful. :D


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Re: Full F2P Dungeoneering Guide.
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2011, 17:20:29 »
Hello. I am MeLvl138, and I approve this message.

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Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Full F2P Dungeoneering Guide.
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2011, 17:33:10 »
Fantastic guide Megan, thanks so much for sharing <3


Angel Imy

Re: Full F2P Dungeoneering Guide.
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 03:17:32 »
bumping this as its good and useful for any f2p people


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Full F2P Dungeoneering Guide.
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 12:14:31 »
- Get at least 1 skiller with >53 runecrafting, and ask him to drop a pile of laws at base every floor.
- Ask another skiller to drop a toolkit at base every floor.

Fuck this shit. F2P dging is for afking to the max, not for making laws and buying toolkits!!


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