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Offline BegMore

tl;dr - ca 18:30 w25 for like 100k woodcutting xp or more

Better explained version

@rsruinedme and myself will be hosting a few divine yew locations to help you on your way to 99 or even 200m Woodcutting. Feel free to bring your own along to help out.
-Anyone arriving early will receive a 10% pulse core boost from myself.
-We will call out when we are nearly out of divine yews. If you have any you'd like to use yourself then I encourage you to call out that you'll be placing one down afterwards as to not waste other peoples by multiple being put down at the same time.

- Level 60 Woodcutting
- Level 62 Divination (if creating own divine yews(30 vibrant energy + 20 yew logs)
- World 25 Lumbridge Market/Combat Academy
- 18:30 Game Time …. every day???

Useful stuff
Lumberjack clothing - up to 5% bxp
40 vis wax or Desert Pantheon Aura for extending your divine location gathering limit
Avatar buff - up to 6% bxp
Pulse core boosts (early birds will receive a 10 minute 10% boost)
Premier Artefact - plus 10% bxp for 1 hour
Wise perk - up to 3% bxp
"Shared Knowledge" - additional 25% base xp**
Bonus xp - for bonus xp
Additional divine yews - up to 3 per day ***
Other bxp items I may have forgotten (woodcutting urns do not work)

Divine locations are often neglected due to the limited supply that one can get or not being able to get online for reset. They give huge amounts of xp in only a short amount of time.

How do they work
Each person has a divine location gathering limit which is 1 for ever 10 total levels up to a max of 250 (total level 1567 = 156 yew logs can be gathered, total level 2710 = 250 yew logs can be gathered)
Create your divine yew location and click to place it or use another players. Once placed simply click on it and gather until you can't any more or until your inventory gets filled up. It only lasts a short while but you can expect to fill one inventory or more with a single divine location so it's good to be near a bank.

**Shared knowledge  - Provides 125% xp when gathering from divine locations but gives no resources. This buff you can activate as part of the Memorial to Guthix. The shrine can be found north west of the Eagles Peak lodestone or by teleporting with memory stands (possibly found in your currency pouch). Players need to complete the tutorial by speaking to Orla Fairweather. Once complete you can find the Druid Engram near the druid circle in Taverley. This can then be restored using 180 memory strands and 350 gleaming energy and returned to Orla Fairweather back at the Memorial to Guthix. Once restored and returned to the echo plinth/Orla Fairweather (as done during the tutorial) the buff can be activated using the fountain. PLEASE NOTE - if this is your first time doing this you may have to wait a week to be able to redirect the fountain unless you find and restore all the engrams around the world and prestige to get more than one passive effect.

*** (Level 85 Divination required) Up to 3 divine locations can be made with the Juna buff from the Hall of Memories. Hall of Memories can be found by entering the pool at the Memorial to Guthix. The shrine can be found north west of the Eagles Peak lodestone or by teleporting with memory stands (possibly found in your currency pouch). Upon first entering the HoM you will either be given a "memory-storage bot (aagi)" or will need to speak to The Archivist (automaton when you get in) to get one. From there go to the room in the east and pick up some Memory Jars from the Jar depot and start gathering from the Lustrous nodes around the room. When the bot is filled report to The Archivist. Any filled Memory jars and be deposited in the unstable rift for big Divination xp. Repeat this for the memory-storage bot (Seren)/brilliant memories and memory-storage bot (Juna)


Offline rsruinedme

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Re: Daily Divine Yews - Potential daily event - up to 100k+ xp
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2020, 10:49:50 »


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Daily Divine Yews - Potential daily event - up to 100k+ xp
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2020, 11:14:48 »
Highly recommend people do these, I got the majority of my 200m with this method!  ^^


Offline Ricky

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Re: Daily Divine Yews - Potential daily event - up to 100k+ xp
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2020, 15:34:09 »
Will definitely be adding this event to my daily routine!


Offline BegMore

Re: Daily Divine Yews - Potential daily event - up to 100k+ xp
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2020, 19:42:13 »


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Daily Divine Yews - Potential daily event - up to 100k+ xp
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2020, 12:12:47 »
I wish I was super efficient lol.


Offline BegMore

Re: Daily Divine Yews - Daily event - up to 100k+ xp - 10 minutes
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2020, 19:14:29 »
bump :3


Offline Kamatcho

Re: Daily Divine Yews - Daily event - up to 100k+ xp - 10 minutes
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2020, 18:35:48 »
Stupid me asking questions all over the forums, but do I need 60 WC to come cut those trees or do I also need 62 divination? Is it like required to make your own trees?


Offline GodFirst

Re: Daily Divine Yews - Daily event - up to 100k+ xp - 10 minutes
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2020, 19:30:32 »
Stupid me asking questions all over the forums, but do I need 60 WC to come cut those trees or do I also need 62 divination? Is it like required to make your own trees?

You should be able to cut the yew logs with 60 woodcutting. 62 divination is only needed if you want to make your own yew divine location.


Offline Mog

Re: Daily Divine Yews - Daily event - up to 100k+ xp - 10 minutes
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2020, 22:40:02 »
Linked this thread to the event post :D


Offline rsruinedme

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Re: Daily Divine Yews - Daily event - up to 100k+ xp - 10 minutes
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2020, 23:23:39 »
Linked this thread to the event post :D

Much appreciated


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