Clan Forum => RuneScape Discussion => Archive - RS Discussion => Topic started by: Peter on July 08, 2014, 01:29:51
Last Update: 28th may 2015
This is a high score of everyone in the clan who has achieved 120 in a stat.
Yellow: 200m xp
( Attack -
( Strength - Nokia
( Defence - Lego Brick, Teknolla G, Turdmoil, Gli Azzurri
( Constitution - Jarofhearts, LifePoints, Turdmoil
( Ranged - LifePoints
( Prayer -
( Magic - Jarofhearts, A Canadian, Turdmoil, LifePoints, Teknolla G
( Cooking - Redtunnel, Teknolla G, Oskilla2, Fergus, Astreca, A Canadian, Two, Joely, Lego Brick, CherryCrush
( Woodcutting - Redtunnel, Kecleon
( Fletching - Redtunnel, Kink, LifePoints, notrlyoscar
( Fishing - Redtunnel, Only Lilly
( Firemaking - Redtunnel, Succezzful, Fugue, Kecleon, Prins Pl0x, Skinto, Teknolla G, Fail2Skill, Jpd, Lego Brick, Dons RS, LifePoints, I Loved You
( Crafting -
( Smithing - wud, Row
( Mining - Redtunnel
( Herblore - Teknolla G, Turdmoil
( Agility - Bradism
( Thieving - Kecleon, lm Rob, Da Wicked Bo, Ghettopopper, Turdmoil, Teknolla G
( Slayer - Redtunnel
( Farming - Redtunnel
( Runecrafting - Redtunnel
( Hunter -
( Construction -
( Summoning -
( Dungeoneering - Redtunnel, Gli Azzurri, Row, Teknolla G, Prins pl0x, naturlov, Oskilla2, JarOfHearts, Joely, A canadian, Turdmoil, Ily, Succezzful, CherryCrush, Radars, Spacecano, Cubchoo, lm Rob, Supercell900, Chloecakes, Only Lilly, Minato, Hansonville, Icon, Mini Nub, Slayer Wolf
( Divination - Pale Wisp, Hell Naw Man
Member Number Count of 120s:
Redtunnel - 10
Teknolla G - 8
Turdmoil - 6
Meg (Cubchoo + Bisou) - 5
Jarofhearts - 3
A Canadian - 3
Gli Azzurri - 2
Only Lilly - 2
Portland - 2
Oskilla2 - 2
Prins Pl0x - 2
Prove - 2
Row - 2
Rune (Naturlov + Naturen) - 2
Joely - 2
Chloecakes - 1
Fugue - 1
J oshie - 1
iIy - 1
Naturlov - 1
Player64783 - 1
Sunfreet - 1
Wud - 1
Nokia - 1
Fergus - 1
Bradism - 1
Ghettopopper - 1
Jordfordly - 1
M athi - 1
Pluto - 1
Spacecano - 1
lm Rob - 1
Supercell900 - 1
Cubchoo - 1
Minato - 1
Pale Wisp - 1
Skinto - 1
Hell naw man - 1
Member Number Count of Max capes:
Yellow: 2595
Teknolla G
A Canadian
Prins Pl0x
Gli Azzurri
lm Rob
Mini Nub
Da Wicked Bo
Slayer Wolf
Lego Brick
Elder Zuedos
Miss Teree
Matt pls
Member Number Count of Completionists capes:
Slayer Wolf
Teknolla G
Member Number Count of Maxed level 3 skillers:
Only Lilly
I thought I had 6 120s before opening this topic lol
lol our master skiller got most 120's xD
OMG a list I'm actually on!!
Hurt feels :(
OMG a list I'm actually on!!
All them cooking, firemaking, and dungoneering though. we need more vairety :P
I say Josh goes for 120 Agility. Who supports this?
All them cooking, firemaking, and dungoneering though. we need more vairety :P
I say Josh goes for 120 Agility. Who supports this?
I have farm ok.
2nd the motion though
All them cooking, firemaking, and dungoneering though. we need more vairety :P
I say Josh goes for 120 Agility. Who supports this?
I have farm ok.
2nd the motion though
I got Fletching ;>
sorry i missed one on you prove all fixed now =)
All them cooking, firemaking, and dungoneering though. we need more vairety :P
I say Josh goes for 120 Agility. Who supports this?
well tek is doing 120 herb atm and I'm working on 120 summoning so there will be some variety. Idk what ill be doing once the semester starts. Thread will be interesting in 5-6 months because of new mems + old mems leveling =)
All them cooking, firemaking, and dungoneering though. we need more vairety :P
I say Josh goes for 120 Agility. Who supports this?
well tek is doing 120 herb atm and I'm working on 120 summoning so there will be some variety. Idk what ill be doing once the semester starts. Thread will be interesting in 5-6 months because of new mems + old mems leveling =)
And I 'should' be 120 Fish/Smith on F2Per by then :[
Not sure if you still update this, but "Row: Dungeoneering & Smithing" :>
Ohh, I got Divination :3
Well since I saw Row's post I thought I might as well too since I don't know if this is still updated either lol.
I have 120 Dungeoneering. :P
Ahh! Dung for Minato
Updated. Let me know if I've missed anybody. :)
Well done guys, wish I had time to do the same =p
Thanks for updating Mike :)
Updated it.
This is a high score of everyone in the clan who has achieved 120 in a stat.
( Attack -
( Strength - Nokia
( Defence - Lego Brick
( Constitution - Jarofhearts
( Ranged -
( Prayer -
( Magic - Jarofhearts, A Canadian, Turdmoil, Correct
( Cooking - Redtunnel, Teknolla G, Oskilla2, Correct, Fergus, Astreca, A Canadian, Two, Joely, Lego Brick
( Woodcutting - Redtunnel, Kecleon
( Fletching - Redtunnel, Kink
( Fishing - Redtunnel, Only Lilly
( Firemaking - Redtunnel, Correct, Fugue, Kecleon, Prins Pl0x, Skinto, Teknolla G, Snigel, Dons RS
( Crafting -
( Smithing - wud, Row
( Mining -
( Herblore - Teknolla G
( Agility - Bradism
( Thieving - Kecleon, lm Rob, Da Wicked Bo, Ghettopopper, Turdmoil
( Slayer - Redtunnel
( Farming - Redtunnel
( Runecrafting - Redtunnel
( Hunter -
( Construction -
( Summoning -
( Dungeoneering - Redtunnel, Correct, Row, M athi, Teknolla G, Prins pl0x, naturlov, Oskilla2, JarOfHearts, Joely, A canadian, Turdmoil, Ily, Radars, Spacecano, Cubchoo, lm Rob, Supercell900, Chloecakes, Only Lilly, Minato, Hansonville, Icon, Mini Nub
( Divination - Pale Wisp, Hell Naw Man
Member Number Count of 120s:
Redtunnel - 9
Teknolla G - 4
Jarofhearts - 3
A Canadian - 3
Oskilla2 - 2
Prins Pl0x - 2
Row - 2
Chloecakes - 1
Fugue - 1
J oshie - 1
iIy - 1
Naturlov - 1
Only Lilly - 1
Player64783 - 1
Sunfreet - 1
Turdmoil - 1
Wud an fire - 1
Joely - 1
Nokia - 1
Fergus - 1
Bradism - 1
Ghettopopper - 1
Jordfordly - 1
M athi - 1
Pluto - 1
Spacecano - 1
lm Rob - 1
Supercell900 - 1
Cubchoo - 1
Minato - 1
Pale Wisp - 1
Skinto - 1
- Too many with 1, please tell me if i've missed you or you want to be added to the list.
Well lilly has both fishing and dung, so she has 2, not 1.
I've got Cooking aswell now, so that's 2 for me :D
Hell Naw Man is missing from that list in the bottom :o
Peter, would you like me to make you the owner of this topic so you could keep it updated? :P
Edit: made you the owner. Non-consensual!!!
120hp/constitution (whatever you wanna call it) now as well, so 4 in total
Peter, would you like me to make you the owner of this topic so you could keep it updated? :P
Edit: made you the owner. Non-consensual!!!
Check, i'll update it in a couple of days. Also i'll be adding a list of people with 200ms.
Edit: I'll be adding comp and max capes aswell. Please tell me if you have comp, i can check the maxed by myself
Edit Edit: I'll make a list of maxed level 3-15 skillers aswell
I have 120 fishing and Dg
This needs a total rehaul, so many of those are no longer in the cc or the forums
This needs a total rehaul, so many of those are no longer in the cc or the forums
Already done, i deleted everybody who's not in the clan anymore. Everybody who is in now, is still an official member of Consentus.
I'll update this today.
I'll update this today.
Whoop TY :)
I'll update this today.
Whoop TY :)
Almost done; i don't know who do have a Completionists cape. Please post it here so i can update it.
Also, since we have some 100s of players, i'm not going to look up all the accounts for those who've got 1 120-skill.. please post it here aswell. =) It's a lot of work, this will make it a little easier for me.
Thanks in advance!
Member Number Count of Maxed level 3 skillers:
Member Number Count of Maxed level 3 skillers:
Aww don't take it away from me :(
Member Number Count of Maxed level 3 skillers:
Aww don't take it away from me :(
I knew, still, he deserves to be in the list. O:)
Member Number Count of Maxed level 3 skillers:
Aww don't take it away from me :(
I knew, still, he deserves to be in the list. O:)
I like this man :P
Member Number Count of Maxed level 3 skillers:
Aww don't take it away from me :(
I knew, still, he deserves to be in the list. O:)
I like this man :P
I like myself too