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Abyss Lure
« on: November 23, 2015, 16:05:31 »
Hi all,

Seeing people have been making threads to make clannies aware of potential scams / lures, i'd like to bring your attention towards the Abyss Lure.

As you're all probably aware, i've spent (just a few) hours in there as of late. I've had a few people offering to 'buy my spot' for as much as 25m..

They're looking to lure people holding valuable items such as Noxious Scythe(as i was)..

What they will do is ask you to enter the part of the abyss where you can get into the various rune altars, at this point they will probably log out or ask you to meet them in Edgeville.

You'll notice at this point it's a waste of your time and head back to your spot in the Abyss to train as you had been doing.

They will then be hanging around the Zamorak mage to get on to you, leading to your death and the possible loss of your valuables.

It would protect though, surely? you may be saying to yourself - There was a bug in which you can become skulled in the wilderness and i'm not entirely sure if this has been patched so this may be a way for them to get on to your items.

Based on this - Don't assume your training locations are of value to another player. If they wanted it that bad they would crash you from the get go instead of wasting even more time 'buying' your spot.

Hope this helps and in the long run stops any of you being lured for your valuables.


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