Hello All,
Yeah I’m back, you didn’t think I would leave it there would you. For any who may not get that reference then follow this link
https://consentus.co.uk/general/fishing-adventure. Now this will be some sorta G&A but not all about that. Its will be my adventure on my way to max which is sorta my goal.
Bit extra background story info: Now I have been playing since 2005 and well I wasn’t active every year however a fair few. However back in the day I play more for enjoy with friend and didn’t care as much about xp for say. Not that matters at all but I have always wanted to max but I seems to do it the wrong way which burns me out of RS. But forget that we have an adventure to get to.
One last small thing, now this story I have some how scarped together isn’t great nor do I know of the ending, however I guess that’s what an adventure is all about not knowing the end.
Thank you to all who follow me on this adventure
(plus ignore my awful grammer/spelling)
Entry 1:
New beginnings
Now you maybe wondering why it took me this long to get my next entry. Well I had to go off radar for a bit due to the increasing suspicion of the elves. Before I left the city I happened upon some new information, however we will get back to that. I didn’t want to travel too far away from the city but enough to keep low and out of sight. So I headed to the farm, now I new they were looking for me as I had spotted some Counter intelligence Tactical Investigation Elf’s or K.I.T.I.E’s for short. Now they didn’t ever notice me while I was tending to my animals, well I only have one and that are my yaks.
Yesssssss I got my yaks. How I obtained said yaks is another story all on its own and maybe for another day (But not to keep you hanging I’ll tell you one thing I had to see a man about a troll). Now they’re do well and living happy lives eating banana’s all day everyday. Sorta like they have nothing else to do…oh wait they don’t oops. They grow up so fast and before you know they had kids. Like do they think I’m made of money???I can’t just buying food….Note to self, look at alternative solutions.
Now while I was fishing down in the desert, I happened to get a lot of messages in a bottle. They always seemed to have some of the most random stuff on them but something in me always wanted to believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so like how all good adventure start I followed a very brief clue to some unknow location to do some un humanly things. Good thing I’m not human I guess.
Now before I could head back to the city I need to get some more information which wasn’t held in the city. Now the elves travel far and wide. You may not see them nor know of it but they do. They have many means of transport from ship to gnome tree thing to the god forsaken fair rings. Now I went out of my way to find out what they were doing all over Gielinor. They had left a paper trail so long it was makig the wise old man nervous. Now what I found..well that I do not know as some are just trade contacts and general stuff. Some I can’t read due not speaking elvish and well being a banana I guess hmmm. Now from what I could piece together was they were prepare for something, but I don’t know what. With all the trade and inslaving the humans without them really know to gather resources for them trope, they fall for that all the time..stupid humans never learn. I couldn’t put my finger on it but it’s there I just needed find the right rainbow with the pot of gold at the end.
Now it was time to head back into the city to follow up on the lead from before I left, till my next entry. Wish me luck....