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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #60 on: February 26, 2014, 17:18:27 »
I havent officially voted no but I have on this thread.

I think they are uneeded and I do not agree with all these layers with their bragging capes

Fair point, but people brag about things even without capes, such as bank wealth, total xp, how long they have been playing (kind of an odd one but have seen it on some occasions)


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #61 on: February 26, 2014, 17:22:16 »
I get sick of high level players attitude a lot of the time, wether that be the top players, trimmed players or the players who enjoy havingtheir own fan bases.


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #62 on: February 26, 2014, 17:31:49 »
any ideas when this will become an official poll?



Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #63 on: February 26, 2014, 17:35:12 »
any ideas when this will become an official poll?

I'm guessing it will be the diamond poll in the next lot of polls been released in under 2 days


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #64 on: February 26, 2014, 19:16:28 »


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #65 on: February 26, 2014, 22:21:13 »
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #66 on: February 26, 2014, 23:07:32 »
lilly vote yes for your clanmembers!


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #67 on: February 26, 2014, 23:16:11 »
Probably not F2P right? :[

Although if it costs Runecoins I suppose it would be, but not if loyalty points? D:



Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #68 on: February 26, 2014, 23:58:02 »
Probably not F2P right? :[

Although if it costs Runecoins I suppose it would be, but not if loyalty points? D:

Buy them from the same people get 99 capes from for 120k


Offline Greg

Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #69 on: February 27, 2014, 00:17:57 »
It would encourage to further train a skill rather than stop at level 99.

Cosmetic as well, so there is no harm.



Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #70 on: February 27, 2014, 09:30:26 »
I havent officially voted no but I have on this thread.

I think they are uneeded and I do not agree with all these layers with their bragging capes

Fair point, but people brag about things even without capes, such as bank wealth, total xp, how long they have been playing (kind of an odd one but have seen it on some occasions)
Lol the point of 120 capes is to show off thwir hard work on the skill, typical that you'll be against something that'll benefit like 99% of the players motivation to keep playing.



Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #71 on: February 27, 2014, 09:36:16 »
I havent officially voted no but I have on this thread.

I think they are uneeded and I do not agree with all these layers with their bragging capes

Fair point, but people brag about things even without capes, such as bank wealth, total xp, how long they have been playing (kind of an odd one but have seen it on some occasions)
Lol the point of 120 capes is to show off thwir hard work on the skill, typical that you'll be against something that'll benefit like 99% of the players motivation to keep playing.

It's her choice if she doesn't see it is needed to be in the game, why not respect people's views just because they are not your own? Atleast it's not an argument like ones on forums etc who clearly can not read the update etc


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #72 on: February 27, 2014, 10:58:11 »
Probably not F2P right? :[

Although if it costs Runecoins I suppose it would be, but not if loyalty points? D:

Buy them from the same people get 99 capes from for 120k

Oh, I could have sworn it was SGS of some kind.

Maybe it was just because cosmetic I thought that.

If I'm honest I don't care either way whether implemented or not, but I'll vote yes for those who want it.



Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #73 on: February 27, 2014, 11:05:49 »
I havent officially voted no but I have on this thread.

I think they are uneeded and I do not agree with all these layers with their bragging capes

Fair point, but people brag about things even without capes, such as bank wealth, total xp, how long they have been playing (kind of an odd one but have seen it on some occasions)
Lol the point of 120 capes is to show off thwir hard work on the skill, typical that you'll be against something that'll benefit like 99% of the players motivation to keep playing.

It's her choice if she doesn't see it is needed to be in the game, why not respect people's views just because they are not your own? Atleast it's not an argument like ones on forums etc who clearly can not read the update etc
The second anyone in the clan gets the capes she'll support but as long as people outside of the clan gets it, it's "all to brag" about their achievement


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Re: "120 Capes"
« Reply #74 on: February 27, 2014, 12:04:58 »
Why are you polling this update?
I think it’s fair to say that a portion of the community have wanted to see the full collection of Master capes in-game since the release of Dungeoneering; we’ve seen this through the various concepts online which have been created by you, the players. However, we weren’t sure if a majority were happy with the idea of creating high end goals that only target a certain type of player, as such we felt that polling the update would be an ideal solution.

Would skills be increased to level 120 with this update?
No; skills would not be raised to 120 with this update.

Would we need to obtain the additional Master capes for Completionist cape requirements?
There are no current plans for the new Master capes to tie in with any of the high level requirements for Completionist capes.

Which skills would you be creating Master capes for?
Every skill other than Dungeoneering, as it already exists.

How would we obtain the Master capes?
Players would need a 'virtual' level of 120 (104,273,167 XP) in a skill to unlock a Master cape. They would be sold by the existing skill masters for 120,000 GP each.

Would XP rates be made faster to allow players to obtain the Master capes easier?
No; XP rates would not be changed with this update to allow for these capes to become more easily obtainable.

What would the capes look like?
The new Master capes would look similar to the Dungeoneering master cape, very similar to concepts scattered across the internet which have been created by players.

Would there be new emotes for each of the Master capes?
No; there would not be new emotes with the capes, they would be released with the ability to perform the related 99 skillcape emote.

What information can you tell us about the capes?
- They would have the same stats as the existing skillcapes.
- They would have a 'Boost' option for the specific skill when worn; the same as all skillcapes.
- Each of the capes would be called: [skill name] master cape
- The capes would be in-game items not cosmetic overrides, unless the owner decides to Keepsake it themselves.

When is the poll coming?
The poll will be up within the next few weeks and will require a majority vote to pass. The available options for players to choose between will be either 'Yes' or 'No' to the implementation of the capes.

What other information can you give us about the update?
- There are no current plans to introduce trimmed Master capes.
- There are no current plans to introduce a 120-style Quest cape.
- There are no current plans to introduce Milestone capes past 99.
- There are no current plans to introduce 'virtual' levels to the HiScores.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


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