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Offline RuneScape News

Patch Week | Extra Daily Keys | Crystal Peacock Pet | RuneFest Reveals

It’s patch week in RuneScape with loads of useful fixes and improvements going into the game.

Also, read on for a taster of what you can expect from RuneFest this year, as well as a fantastic additional Treasure Hunter Key offer for members and the exclusive crystal peacock pet, available with game cards.

+1 Key for All Members on Treasure Hunter – this August

For the whole month of August, all RuneScape members will receive an additional daily Treasure Hunter Key every day. This also means that Gold Premier Club members will have a whopping four keys to play with this month.

Enjoy using your Keys in whatever way you see fit. Perhaps you could use them to boost Invention, now that this option is available. Full details of the ways in which items won from Treasure Hunter can help you progress in this elite skill can be found in Mod Shauny’s handy thread.


Crystal Peacock Pet for Game Cards

Thinking about becoming a member or topping up? Well this month you can also bag yourself and exclusive crystal peacock pet in the process! It also has a special tail-feather emote, so what more could you possibly want?

Simply get your hands on any game card, available at a variety of different retailers across the world, between 1st August and 31st August. Simply redeem the card via the RuneScape website during these dates and your account will be credited with the pet.

All information about where to buy and how to activate a RuneScape game card can be found on the store locator page.

But that’s not all - other crystal peacock items are coming to game cards in subsequent months with crystal peacock armour landing in September and crystal peacock weapons in October. Collect them all for maximum plumage pride!

We'd also like to give a special shout-out to player Pawl who came up the with the original design of the crystal peacock pet in a previous design competition - congrats!

Please note – Gold Premier Club members will receive all crystal peacock items as they are released.

RuneFest Reveals | Tickets Still Available

With RuneFest on its merry way, here are four reasons why you absolutely have to secure your ticket and be there on 17th September:
  • Discuss the next RS skill - that’s right, we‘ll be asking you guys what you want from the next RuneScape skill. Come along and join the discussion.
  • Meet your favourite streamers on the day and in a live Q&A.
  • An hour of reveals about next year’s RS content- 2017 is going to be one heck of a year and, thanks to your contributions in the 2017 survey, we are now in a position to share our plans with you.
  • Catch up on the best content still to come out this year, including the Arc Chapter 2 and Fate of the Gods 2 - our mods love a good old chinwag and we can’t wait to talk to you about the best of the rest of 2016 including the next Eastern Lands steps and beyond!

Tickets are still available for the event taking place at Battersea Evolution in London on Saturday 17th September. Check out the ticket page for more information.

There’s a night before party, too. See the Night Before page for more info, or get your hands on a combined ticket, including all access to the main event.

Patch Notes
For all this week’s patch notes, see the thread on the forums

This week’s live streams

Each week we livestream Q&As, in-game events and more. Watch the streams and find a full streaming schedule on the Twitch channel. Check the YouTube channel for videos you may have missed.

Tuesday, August 2nd| 16:00 Game Time | August – the month ahead

August is set to be an awesome month - fresh from the release of the Arc, we'll be keeping the summer going by releasing the Beach, releasing the much-anticipated skilling pets, and so much more!

Find out more by watching the Month Ahead BTS video, out Friday 29th on our YouTube channel.

Ask your questions on our forums, Reddit, or by using #RSQA on Twitter!

Friday, August 5th | 20:00 Game Time | Update Preview with Mod Shauny

Find out what you can expect from Monday’s patches and more with Mod Shauny this Friday night!

Sunday, August 7th| 19:00 Game Time | PvM with Mod Lee!

Mod Lee will be hosting the usual Community PvM goodness live on Twitch!

In Other News

Facebook Live Stream – ALL NEW - Q&A with Mod Osborne – Friday 5th at 14:00 Game Time!

Get ready for something all-new, and all-awesome. We’ll be streaming live from our Facebook page this Friday afternoon; and you can ask Mod Osborne anything you like! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy Mod Osborne’s dulcet tones (and huge head) through your PC or phone.

Ask your questions on the forums and we’ll pose as many as we can in half an hour!

Golden Gnomes 2016 - Nominations

Nominations are now open for several Golden Gnomes categories with the winners set to be revealed during RuneFest 2016. Head over to the news post for all the info and links you need.

Have a great week!

The RuneScape Team


Offline Spewez

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  • Rsn: Spewez
  • Alt Rsn: Zeweps
Oh god I want that pet.


Offline Cherrycrush

Don't know why they didn't add the beach, it can't even be considered an update as they are just readding old content to the game. Summer will be virtually over by the time they add it  [-(


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

New Summer Parasols added to the game, but are currently unreleased.

10 new Tradeable Summer Parasols and a cocktail shaker (cooking and herblore xp when shaken) were added ingame alongside the Patch Week update, in addition there is also bright stars and lamps for an upcoming TH promotion.

There is also something else happening where we'll get to see what prize it is we're getting within a chest (as in the gem rarity)


Offline Powerless

I think the pet's pretty cool looking lol.


Offline Charms

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Peacock looks nice :] But ill be waiting for the skilling pets ;)


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